Pupil Leadership
At Seely Primary School, we feel that opportunities for pupil leadership are very important in helping to drive school improvement. Pupil leaders are more likely to take ownership of their own learning, buy into their school ethos and take the initiative in their education. They can also provide peer support, acting as mentors and supporting other students, whilst helping to create a positive and inclusive school culture.
At Seely, we offer a wide range of pupil leadership opportunities for children across the whole school. Where possible, we engage with leaders from external partnerships to support our young leaders in their important roles.
Our pupil leadership groups allow our children to have their rights recognised under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Not only do they give children the opportunity to have their thoughts and views recognised, but they foster opportunities for children to develop their own and others' rights in terms of discrimination, identity, being in a minority group and appreciation of play, culture and the arts.