
The safeguarding of our pupils here at Seely is of the upmost importance to us all. If you have any concerns or queries regarding the safeguarding of any of our pupils, please see below for who to contact. 

We take a whole staff approach to safeguarding pupils at Seely Primary & Nursery School and have a dedicated team of staff who are Designated Safeguarding Leads at Seely Primary & Nursery School:

  • Mrs Clifford - Headteacher / DSL
  • Mrs Morley - Deputy Headteacher / DSL
  • Miss Richardson - Deputy Headteacher / DSL  
  • Mrs Laura Brett - Attendance Officer, SENDCo, DSL
  • Ms Kate Gaunt - KS1 Phase Leader, SENDCo, DSL
  • Mrs Denness-Hulland - LKS2 Phase Leader, DSL
  • Ms Lou Starkey - Safeguarding Governor


To make an appointment with any of the above staff, please call the school office on 0115 9153780 or email 


You can find details of our policies and guidance below:

Online Safety Guides

Age ranged documents to download for your information on how to keep your children safe online!

Safeguarding in the Curriculum

In addition to our statutory safeguarding duties, we work very hard to Seely to create a curriculum and whole school environment to ensure every child feels safe, valued and that they belong at Seely.

This is achieved through a focus on the nine Protected Characteristics (Equality Act 2010), and in particular age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Opportunities for the children to learn about and see role models through books, resources and visitors in to school which represent these characteristics is vital to ensuring they become respectful and accepting global citizens of the future.

Diversity and inclusion is woven into everything we do at Seely and we have Diversity Defenders and Rainbow Rangers Pupil Leadership groups who lead on ideas to make the school even more welcoming and accepting. Our work in these areas has resulted in us achieving the Rainbow Flag Award for LGBT+ inclusion and the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Quality Mark (EDIQM). More information about these achievements can be found on our Diversity page.

Pupils are educated on past inequalities in the hope they understand and develop empathy with the lived experiences of others. Examples of these include: World Afro Day, Women's History Month, LGBT+ History Month, World Hijab Day and World Religion Day.

More information about our commitment to diversity and inclusion education can be found in our Diversity Pledge.

Pupils in Year 5 take part in Equation's GREAT Project, where they learn about forming and maintaining equal and trusting relationships.

Pupils in Year 6 take part in DARE, where they learn about peer pressure and resisting drugs and violence.

Other areas of our curriculum which focus on safeguarding include computing, where we teach pupils about online safety and Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE), where pupils learn about private parts of their bodies and consent.

Signposting and Support

At Seely, we understand that pupils need trusted adults to speak to and we strive to give them every possible opportunity to do this.

Every Thursday, our Mental Health Support Team practitioner, Lyndsey, supports pupils in school with their concerns. You can see more information on what MHST do to support our pupils here.

Every Tuesday, Nicky, our School Counsellor, supports pupils in one to one counselling sessions. Nicky works with school staff and the pupils' parents/carers to ensure they are safe and listened to. You can find out more about Nicky's role here.

Additionally, we signpost and refer parents and carers to other mental health support for pupils such as those listed below.