Seely Primary and Nursery School News

School News

The latest news stories from Seely Primary and Nursery School.


News Stories

  • Cleaning up at Seely!
    Wes from Nottingham City Council and PCSO Nathan showed our Community Rangers how the FIDO machine works to clear dog waste from pavements.
  • Hansel and Gretel from the Nottingham Playhouse
    Foundation 1 and 2 had an absolute blast on Friday watching Hansel and Gretel. Nottingham Playhouse treated us to a spectacular showing of their performance...
  • Sculpting in KS1
    Welcome back to the new term and new year! KS1 have been hooked into their new topic.
  • Getting ready for World Religion Day 2024.
    Last week, our Diversity Defenders told years 1-6 all about their plans for World Religion Day in assembly.
  • Year 1 Sculptures
    Year 1 had a very busy hook day making tin foil sculptures based on the work of Giacometti.
  • Three Little Pigs in Foundation.
    Hazel, Willow and Birch have been exploring The Three Little Pigs story.
  • The Romans in Lower KS2
    LKS2 have researched shield designs and symbolism used in Roman times and learned about soldiers’ armour and weapons.
  • Panto fun for Year 3 and 4.
    Years 3 and 4 were so lucky and very excited to attend the pantomime at The Royal Centre, Nottingham.
  • Reading mornings at Seely.
    Reading morning sessions with parents continue every Wednesday and are such a positive experience.
  • Respect Our School Week
    These two beautiful posters have been completed by two of our children at home in response to our 'Respect Our School Week'.
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