Seely Primary and Nursery School News

School News

The latest news stories from Seely Primary and Nursery School.


News Stories

  • Space exploration at Seely!
    How do I get to the moon? We're not sure yet, but we are very excited to find out.
  • Outdoor exploring in Nursery
    Our Nursery Explorers have been whipping up a storm in the outdoor area this week, turning rainy days into a recipe for outdoor fun...
  • Wellbeing Ambassadors
    As part of Childrens Mental Health Week, the Wellbeing Ambassadors attended theĀ "Nott Alone" wellbeing event on Tuesday.
  • Swashbuckling Pirates in Seely Nursery
    Nursery have been celebrating their Dojo successes today with a 'Swashbuckling Pirate Party'.
  • Windy days in F2!
    Yesterday, Foundation 2 explored the extreme wind using ribbons, creating waves in the air.
  • MP Nadia Whittome visits Seely
    Following their visit to the House of Commons, School Council representatives met with Nadia Whittome (MP) in school.
  • Measures in Maths
    3/4MD-H have been comparing measures in maths.
  • Mosaics in Lower LKS2
    Year 3 and 4 have been designing their own mosaics in the style of Roman mosaics that they have researched and sketched.
  • World Religion Day 2024
    We had the most wonderful day celebrating World Religion Day on the 19th January.
  • School Council visit to London.
    On Monday 22nd January, our KS2 School Council members went to London to visit the Houses of Parliament, meet our local MP, Nadia Whittome and see some of the London sights.
Showing 41-50 of 134