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  2. Seely Coffee Mornings

Seely Coffee Mornings

28 January 2022 (by admin)

There have been several parents asking when we will be having Coffee Mornings again and we just wanted to let you know our thoughts.

For those of you who don't know - Pre Covid we used to run 2 Coffee Mornings on a Wednesday and a Friday which coincided with Readers mornings, where parents came into class to read with their child. Unfortunately we are unable to have Readers morning starting again yet but we are planning to bring back Coffee Mornings after half term. 
Coffee Mornings are a great way to meet other parents and get involved in projects to support the school. They run from 9 - 10.00ish on Wednesdays and Fridays.
It would be good to establish how many parents would be interested in coming along so that we can run these safely. If you think you might want to attend please could you email me lorraine.boddy@seely.nottingham.sch.uk stating which year your children are in and when you would be able to attend. Please could you do this by Wednesday 9th February please.
Many Thanks, Lorraine Boddy - Parent Liaison Worker