1. News
  2. Coloured Christmas Raffle 2021

Coloured Christmas Raffle 2021

26 November 2021 (by admin)

Following on from the success of the last few years’ Christmas Hampers we will be doing this again. We invite pupils to bring in one item of their year group’s colour to contribute to a hamper.

NEW items such as toiletries, chocolates, sweets or biscuits, candles, napkins or stationery would be ideal. Please do not send in any alcohol. Items can be sent into classrooms.

We hope you can support the school by donating an item of the following colours by Monday 6th December. 


Nursery: red                                                Foundation: pink  

Year 1: gold                                                 Year 2: silver / white  

Year 3: green                                              Year 4: purple  

Year 5: blue                                                 Year 6: yellow  


Further details will follow on how to purchase raffle tickets. The raffle will be drawn at the event on Tuesday December 14th.

Many Thanks