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  2. FOS News
  3. Friends of Seely (FOS) PTA meeting 7.45pm this Thursday 4th November

Friends of Seely (FOS) PTA meeting 7.45pm this Thursday 4th November

1 November 2021 (by admin)

This meeting will take place at the Robin Hood in Sherwood. We would love to see some new faces on board as we move forward in planning some exciting events in our Seely calendar

This group meets 1-2 times each term and then people get involved in varying events. We welcome people coming with new ideas and skills to build our PTA again as unfortunately Covid has seen limited events over the last 18 months. Over the years FOS has raised £1000s to support our Seely Community and bring some fantastic opportunities for our children.
If you are interested but cannot make the meeting please email friendsofseely@gmail.com.