1. News
  2. ART IN HOMES" - Sherwood Art Week Community Gallery 2020

ART IN HOMES" - Sherwood Art Week Community Gallery 2020

15 June 2020 (by admin)

A message from the organisers of Sherwood Art Week: As we will not be going ahead this year but inspired by all the lovely rainbow art, we would like to invite you and your pupils to turn Sherwood into a community art gallery for the week.

Art for Everyone' is the core ethos of SAW and we have a great community here in Sherwood who we KNOW is creative.

We are asking individuals, families and children to get out their paints, pencils, fabric or whatever their favourite medium is and over the next week, create something to display in their window or front garden.

The work should be displayed from Saturday June 20th until 27th. To let everyone know who is part of Sherwood Art Week Community Gallery, I have attached an  ‘Art in Homes’ printable notice, or one can be picked one up from Sherwood Food Exchange (near the Sherwood Business Centre on the corner of Winchester Street, which will be available soon) to display with the work, or those who take part can make one of their own to put up, using their version of the SAW logo and colours.

Anyone taking part should let us know via Facebook Messenger or SAWcoregroup@gmail.com ONLY the name of the street they live on. We do not need a name and house number as we will publish a list of the streets, but do not wish to identify further for security reasons. This is so that we can try to let everyone know where they can view the gallery while on their daily walk.

If you have any questions, please contact me at this email address schoolssaw@gmail.com


Beryl, SAW team
#Artforeveryone #SAW2020AIH