Take One Picture

A group of Year 2 pupils enjoyed their trip to Nottingham castle for the Take One Picture project. This was organised by 2 of our Year 4 Nottingham Trent University trainees. Both students had previously undertaken training from both Nottingham Castle and the National Gallery in London. Because of this, all travel costs involved in this trip were funded by the castle.

Miss Gray ably led activities in front of the painting, ‘The Goose Fair’ by Arthur Spooner. The children looked closely at sections of the painting and used an adjective to describe one thing which they saw. These were then combined and arranged by the children to form a poem called ‘The Goose Fair’.

Using a range of props, they were also able to transform themselves into people from the painting. They all thought carefully about how they might stand, look and what they might say. Their recreations were very accurate!