
This is an extract from the Writing curriculum policy with information for parents (full policy available on request). 

Curriculum Intent:
The aim of the writing curriculum is for children to become highly literate, creative writers and articulate speakers. It it has been designed to ensure that children learn these competences through the range of written genres they study over both KS1 and KS2.

At Seely Primary, there is high value attached to the acquisition of language: teachers introduce children to rich and meaningful vocabulary from EYFS to Year 6, and children go on to apply high level, tier 2 vocabulary within their writing.

Writing is a crucial part of our curriculum and opportunities for children to write across genres and topics is systemically planned across the academic year. This ensures that children experience the breadth of techniques required to ensure they are competent writers, that can write for a range of purposes and audiences.


We aim for all pupils to:

  • communicate in writing clearly, confidently and appropriately; demonstrating an awareness of a variety of purposes and audiences
  • become adept at writing both fiction and non-fiction
  • foster a genuine love of writing across genres
  • be immersed in what they write through the use of high-quality texts, experience days and a rich language environment
  • become experts at applying literary techniques in order to engage readers
  • use accurate spelling through the use of a systematic spelling programme (see separate document for spelling guidance)
  • present work that they are proud of through the accurate use of handwriting conventions


Pedagogy and Implementation:

At Seely Primary, we use The Teaching Sequence for Writing by Teresa Heathcote. The Teaching Sequence for Writing compromises of the 6 key stages of process of writing. It allows coverage of essential skills needed to successfully write for purpose. Time is given to ensure quality and full understanding of the intended outcome.
The sequence is made up of the following key steps:


At Seely Primary we pride ourselves on our presentation. We use a whole-school handwriting scheme called Letterjoin.  At the end of each half-term, awards are given for the most improved presentation in each class.

Presentation Committee.
The Presentation Committee are a team of Year 6 children who display excellent presentation skills. They meet half-termly to determine if a child can earn their handwriting pen based upon a set criteria. Pupils have The Presentation Committee rules displayed in their classrooms as they work towards gaining their pen license. 


 Seely's Writing Outcomes Over Time: