
This is an extract from the Science curriculum policy with information for parents (full policy available on request):

Curriculum Intent:

At Seely Primary School, we recognise the importance of science as a core subject, and therefore we give the teaching and learning of the subject the prominence it requires. The scientific area of learning is concerned with increasing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of our world and with developing the skills associated with science as a process of enquiry. Science at Seely develops the natural curiosity of the child and allows them to ask and answer challenging questions and successfully carry out investigations.

Pedagogy and Implementation:

Teaching and Organisation

Science is taught in topic blocks, as outlined in the overall curriculum overview. This was designed using the National Curriculum to provide a structure and knowledge development for the science being taught. Where possible, links to learning across a range of subjects are used to enable the achievement of a greater depth of knowledge. In all phases, where possible, Science is linked to the topic for that term, but science lessons are always taught discreetly.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In EYFS, continuous provision is in place to support children in meeting the Early Learning Goals; this is covered through the year, based on themes, children’s interests and the time of the year.

Focused activities are planned to incorporate these opportunities. Provision, where children have the opportunity to engage in self-initiated activities in order to develop their scientific skills, curiosity and a widening vocabulary, is planned weekly.

Key Stage One (KS1)

In KS1, we teach the Science curriculum through five different strands/disciplines.

  • Working scientifically
  • Animals including humans
  • Living things and habitats
  • Plants
  • Materials

Key Stage Two (KS2)

In KS2, we teach the Science curriculum through nine different strands/disciplines.

  • Working scientifically
  • Animals including humans
  • Living things and habitats
  • Plants
  • Materials
  • Light and Sound
  • Forces and Magnets/ Electricity
  • Earth and Space (UKS2)
  • Evolution and Inheritance (UKS2)

Access for all

We make sure that all children access the Science curriculum and achieve success, therefore ensuring that adapted tasks where pertinent allow them to develop and extend their depth of knowledge and understanding so that they can demonstrate successfully what they know, understand and can do. Tasks are selected and designed to provide appropriate challenge to all learners, in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.

Wider Curriculum

Children access many elements of the Science curriculum through their involvement in outdoor education. Through Forest School sessions, children have hands-on experience of investigating minibeasts and choosing the best materials to make a shelter in order to keep warm and dry. Through residential trips, children learn skills such as raft-building, where they choose appropriate materials and embed scientific knowledge and skills.

Many elements of our '60 Things to do at Seely Before 11¾' are linked to the wider curriculum for Science including: growing and eating vegetables, making a sundial, investigating what lives in a pond, building electrical circuits, planting seeds to grow flowers, lighting a fire without matches and building dens.