Design & Technology

This is an extract from the Design & Technology curriculum policy with information for parents (full policy available on request):

Curriculum Intent:

Design and Technology at Seely Primary and Nursery School allows children to take part in a range of inspiring and practical lessons.  We make sure that children gain cumulative knowledge and skills to leave Seely Primary School able to design and make products and solve real or relevant problems, considering their purpose, function and the needs of the user.

Throughout the school, children are able to explore products, materials, equipment and techniques to develop knowledge, understanding, skills and technical expertise. This will allow the children to engage in a process of design and making, creating a range of structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products whilst developing their creativity, imagination and analytical thinking.

Pedagogy and Implementation:

Teaching and Organisation

Design and Technology at Seely Primary and Nursery School is taught in a two-year cycle. There are often many cross curricular links within our topics. We ensure there is progress throughout all year groups in all areas of Design and Technology.  

Key skills and key knowledge for D&T have been mapped across the school to ensure progression between year groups. The context for the children’s work in Design and Technology is also well considered and children learn about real life structures and the purpose of specific examples, as well as developing their skills.  Design and technology lessons are also taught often as a block so that children’s learning is focused throughout each unit of work.

Teachers ensure the children follow a design process for Design and Technology:

Design Brief: Pupils present in context the problem and what product they need to research, design and make.

Success Criteria: Pupils look at the brief/existing designs to see how they will know if they have achieved it.


  • Investigating- finding examples to look at- internet/ books/ classroom/ home
  • Disassembly- taking an example apart- what parts does it have? How do they work? What are they made from?
  • Skills focus- what skills do the children need to be able to do- fixing techniques, food preparation techniques, techniques to make moving mechanisms, techniques to use with thread and fabric.
  • Mock-ups/ models/ patterns- quick paper/card models or patterns to test an idea or to provide a template to follow.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In EYFS, continuous provision is in place to support children in meeting the Early Learning Goals; this is covered through the year, based on themes, children’s interests and the time of the year.

Focused activities are planned to incorporate these opportunities. Provision, where children have the opportunity to engage in self-initiated activities in order to develop their design and technology skills, curiosity and a widening vocabulary, is planned weekly.  

EYFS plan in design and technology skills time into their curriculum so that children can experience specific tools, resources, designing and making before entering Years 1 6 and in doing so children will develop fine motor skills.

Key Stage One (KS1)

In Years 1 and 2, the coverage of design and technology objectives takes place in half-termly ‘D&T Days’ where the whole design process is covered over the day to ensure consolidation and continuity. The focus will be linked to the current topic and enhance learning across the curriculum.

Key Stage Two (KS2)

In Years 2 to 6, the coverage of design and technology objectives takes place in termly ‘D&T Weeks’ where the whole design process is covered over a number of sessions in that week to ensure consolidation and continuity. Again, the focus will be linked to the current topic and enhance learning across the curriculum.

Design and technology is taught in KS1 and KS2 as an integral part of the creative curriculum. Focused practical tasks are planned by the class teacher to develop and practise particular skills and acquire knowledge.

Access for all

We make sure that all children access the D&T curriculum and achieve success, therefore ensuring that adapted tasks where pertinent allow them to develop and extend their depth of knowledge and understanding so that they can demonstrate successfully what they know, understand and can do. Tasks are selected and designed to provide appropriate challenge to all learners, in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.