
As a school we are aiming to achieve 96% attendance overall which is slightly above the national target of 95%.

Please work with us to achieve this by making every effort to ensure your children are in school, on time so that they can achieve maximum outcomes.

  This year so far we are at 94.2% so we are well on our way.
The daily percentage at the end of this week (w/c 3.3.25) is at 92.7%.
We hope to improve on these percentages with your help. We are focusing on punctuality due to increasing numbers of children arriving late to school. 
Thank you to those of you who ensure your children arrive prompty each day. We appreciate your continued commitment to your child/rens education. 

Welcome to Seely Primary School’s website.  We hope you find the information that you are looking for.  

Seely Primary is a welcoming, vibrant place at the heart of its community.  We are a dedicated, caring team who have high expectations of all pupils.  We aim for children to leave our school as healthy, confident global citizens of the future, with the breadth of knowledge and skills to enable them achieve their aspirations.  

There is an excellent culture of diversity at Seely, where all pupils and their families have a strong sense of identity and belonging that is respected by all.  We have achieved the Rainbow Flag Award, as well as the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Quality Mark, to reflect the ethos and vision of the school.

Click HERE for Seely's Diversity Pledge

Our values are strongly aligned with British Values and we use them to underpin our behaviour policy, with four key words to help children to remember the key messages (please see our 'Seely Values' page within the Learning tab for more detail).

If you require any further information, please contact the school office and we will be happy to help. If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our school website, please contact the school office and this will be provided free of charge.

Latest Term and Event Dates - USE THIS CALENDAR ONLY Events

Science Themed Week10Mar2025

9:00 am - 14 mar, 3:00 pm

Red Nose Day14Mar2025

International Day for the elimination of Racial Discrimination21Mar2025

Parents Evening01Apr2025

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Parents Evening03Apr2025

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Calendars page(s): Term and Event Dates - USE THIS CALENDAR ONLY >>

Welcome to Seely Primary School

School Events & Curriculum Activities

School Events / Curriculum Activities

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