Year 5 Week 11

Please don't forget to email us at if you have any questions or need any help. We would also love to see what you are up to or what you are doing so send us friendly messages too as we are missing you all. Remember there is a chance to become star of the week with anything you send us!


This week you will finish writing your argument on zoos and whether they should keep animals or not. You will be writing a balanced argument for and against the use of zoos, only writing your opinion in the conclusions. Remember it must be a balanced argument, so you need arugments for both for and against. 


 Planning Overview

Day 1 PowerPoint

Day 2 PowerPoint

Day 2 Starter

Day 2 Checklist

Day 4+ Optional Writing Sheet









Science - Famous Scientists & Inventors

This week you will be finding out about Marie Maynard Daly. She was famous for her research on diet, cholesterol and the heart.



High or Low Activity Sheet

Main Activity Sheet


This week's SMSC activities are based on philosophical questions for children.

Planning Document

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Topic - Mayans

This week you will be learning all about Mayan achievements. What did our society gain from the Ancient Mayans? Read the PowerPoint then order the Mayans achievements due to importance and explain your reasoning behind the order you placed each achievement.



Activity Sheet